The Importance of Writing Down Your Goals

Goal Setting - writing down your goals

Many people have goals that they want to achieve. Some common goals include getting out of debt, losing weight, eating healthy, being more confident, getting a job, or starting a business. Writing down all the things you want to accomplish helps you to envision what you want your life to be like in the future. Studies show that people who write down their goals are more likely to be successful in what they want to achieve. Here are four reasons why writing down your goals is so important and beneficial.

Writing down your goals gives you purpose.

I think that goal setting helps to give our lives meaning and purpose. Having a goal that we’re working to achieve gives us something to look forward to. It is an opportunity to do something positive to improve our lives and make us happy and successful.

Many people feel stuck in a rut. Because they don’t know where they want to go they simply stay in the same place. Their lives stay the same. For others, they may be drifting without any real destination. They spend their whole lives working hard but it doesn’t seem to lead them anywhere.

People who feel this way are those who have not thought about the future. They haven’t thought about where they are and where they would like to be. This is why it is so important to write down your goals so that you are clear about where you want to go and what you want to become.

Writing down your goals helps you stay focused on what you want.

It’s hard to stay focused on your goals when you have so many other things going on in your life. For example, you may have an ill family member, you may have lost your job, you may be deep in credit card debt, you may have lost your home, or have to pay back a huge student loan.

But in spite of your circumstances, you still have goals that you want to achieve. Therefore, it is better to write them down instead of keeping them in your head. You need to write down your goals and read them every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up so that you can stay focused on what you want to accomplish.

Written goals help you to stay on track and help to eliminate distractions. Regardless of what’s going on in your life right now, if you have goals, you need to write them down so that you can put all of your energy towards achieving your goals.

Writing down your goals increases your motivation.

Your goals motivate you to take action. Writing down your goals reminds you of what you need to do to get from where you are to where you want to be. Written goals create a sense of urgency that motivates you to take the first step to accomplish your goals.

Goal setting - stay focused

In addition to writing down your goals, you should also keep a journal of the progress you’ve made towards achieving your desired results. The action you have taken to achieve your goals will further motivate you to keep going and to stay on track until you have reached your destination.

Writing down your goals helps you to track your progress.

It is not enough to just think about what you want to achieve because you have no way of keeping track of the progress you’ve made. You need to write down your goals and include a deadline so that you will stay focused on what you need to accomplish. It will help you to manage your time more effectively and it will give you something specific to aim for.

For example, if you were entering a race, your goal may be to break the record of the world’s fastest woman in the next competition which will be held next year in June. You may write down this goal in your journal and start practicing for the competition.

 In spite of the fact that you may have college classes to attend, exams to study for, and friends to meet, you ensure that you always make time to practice your running skills. You may have a timer and keep track of how fast you run by recording it in your journal. This helps you to see the progress you’ve made and what you still need to do to reach your goal until finally, on the day of the race, you are ready.

You feel confident that you will not only win the race but break the record of the world’s fastest woman. And it’s all because you wrote down your goals and you tracked your progress until you achieved the desired results.


Writing down your goals helps you to create a vision of what you want to achieve and it helps you to commit to achieving those goals. Written goals give your life purpose, help you to stay focused on what you want, increases your motivation, and help you to track your progress. When you write down your goals and stay focused on what you want to accomplish, it helps you to achieve success.

If you want to achieve better results and improve your life, the first step is to write down your goals. It’s an easy technique that will motivate you to take action to achieve what you desire. So start writing down your goals today.


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